Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12/15/10 Molecules!

Just had a mind blowing experience meditating as I was letting my son fall asleep. I experienced what it is like to let all the molecules in my body be released from this bodily shell. I know this is weird but I was astrally projecting myself into our solar system and was having fun with the moon when I decided to venture to the sun. I will often imaging myself floating in space while I connect with the God consciousness. Well you know the causes sunburn here on earth and it is very hot as you get close... but of course I wasn't feeling any pain and I wasn't being burn up as you would expect. It was different than that. It was more like being vaporized but in a good way! LOL I know that sounds funny. Anyway..... (keep laughing my
friend!) As was watching my molecules not burn but changing state, which is what burning really is right. We think of burning as a destroying act but it really is just a change of state because physics and Chem tell us that the same material is still there but in a different state. Water doesn't disappear when you burn it... just just turns to steam and then condenses somewhere else or if it stays hot it will just stay as steam. The Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms don't really care do they. They still exist, but just in a different way. I mean we are all just star dust anyway so I saw myself as just stardust! Very cool.

Now what was the point of all of this? Where here it is. The point is that the market is always changing states just like our molecules. We are always taking in and losing part of ourselves just like atoms when we breath, eat, crap etc. We are always changing states as well and not just when we die (ceased to exist).

Well understanding that I am just stardust made me really understand the I am more than connected to the God consciousness because I am part of the God consciousness.... which I believe to be the universe if you will. As part of that equation I understand that the markets are just a tool to be used to create a better connection to the ONE consciousness. I should use that tool without bias and difference to achieve my goals of a higher level of connection. Good stuff!

This message was not sponsored by any mind altering drugs and was achieved with just clear, yet wondering thought in a Delta wave length.

Trader X

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