Sunday, September 28, 2008
9/28/08 Seminar
OK traders... A new update for you. I have just completed a seminar by IITM called Peak Performance 202. Having done 101 a year ago or so I had to review before attending 202 with Van Tharp and Libby Adams. It was a great weekend and I learned a lot about myself. Some of which I'm going to put here. There was so much progress made and I want to document as much as I can before I forget it all! Also, there will be some new readers from the weekend as well.
Let's start with my head! Oh there is so much going on inside there it's a little scary! Let's start with some old beliefs. I had a bunch of very destructive beliefs about myself. Mostly beliefs of not being worthy, good enough, deserving (3 ways to say the same thing right?), and a few other beliefs thrown in for good.
The workshop was instructive because it allowed us to really examine our beliefs and establish which ones are good and which ones are bad, where they come from, and how to get rid of the bad ones! Simple right! Well, actually it is once you understand the pathways and are willing to start from ground zero.
The easiest way for me was to mimic what Van has done personally and that is to just start as if everything isn't real. Then construct the universe that we want... that also includes the beliefs, and the rules to the games that we want to play. Soooooo much here and so little time. Highlights please!
Once you realize that you create everything around you, you have the ultimate power to create your own universe. Simple right? Actually I think it is. I just keep asking myself when I think about things if it is useful or not. If not then I just disregard it. If it is then I keep it and build upon it. Start from the basics and go from there.
The understanding about how the conscious mind and the subconscious mind relate to each other is very key. Understanding how the subconscious mind works for good and and bad (bad programing from the conscious mind) is valuable in order to reprogram things for your good. Libby had some great techniques to teach here.
I want to talk for a moment about religion and God. What I do understand is that there are so many concepts of God, and therefore many, many religions from those concepts. If I had to guess I would almost say that it would be hard to find two people that believed the exact same thing, and that most people have their own little personal twist on the concept of God. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with how one person chooses to relate to the rest of the universe. Along those lines I am going to call my God just the Universe, with my personal goal being oneness with the Universe. One with my God, which is the Universe.
Along those lines we spent quite a bit of time figuring how we all related to the Universe and how that impacted us. I have not spent much time in my life thinking about that concept compared to others that were there and I did spend quite a bit of time thinking about those concepts. What I came up with is that the Universe is the ultimate power and that I wanted to be closer or one with that power. I believe that the Universe is abundant and that if I am willing to work or sacrifice for it that there is unlimited abundance. Law of attractions do apply for me. A new belief for me.... Unlimited Abundance.
One of the things that the Universe told me, and I am going to repeat here, for the universe to see, is that I was given everything I need to succeed. I was the mind of a genius, the looks of a movie star, and the body of a Greek God! Of course I have abused all those things so I look like a middle aged pushover but those were choices I have made and can change as well. Part of my journey toward Oneness is better physical habits as well as mental habits.
I have much more to write about the 10 task and much much more but I am tired and have to nap so I can handle the late shift with the twins. Much more later....
Trader X
Let's start with my head! Oh there is so much going on inside there it's a little scary! Let's start with some old beliefs. I had a bunch of very destructive beliefs about myself. Mostly beliefs of not being worthy, good enough, deserving (3 ways to say the same thing right?), and a few other beliefs thrown in for good.
The workshop was instructive because it allowed us to really examine our beliefs and establish which ones are good and which ones are bad, where they come from, and how to get rid of the bad ones! Simple right! Well, actually it is once you understand the pathways and are willing to start from ground zero.
The easiest way for me was to mimic what Van has done personally and that is to just start as if everything isn't real. Then construct the universe that we want... that also includes the beliefs, and the rules to the games that we want to play. Soooooo much here and so little time. Highlights please!
Once you realize that you create everything around you, you have the ultimate power to create your own universe. Simple right? Actually I think it is. I just keep asking myself when I think about things if it is useful or not. If not then I just disregard it. If it is then I keep it and build upon it. Start from the basics and go from there.
The understanding about how the conscious mind and the subconscious mind relate to each other is very key. Understanding how the subconscious mind works for good and and bad (bad programing from the conscious mind) is valuable in order to reprogram things for your good. Libby had some great techniques to teach here.
I want to talk for a moment about religion and God. What I do understand is that there are so many concepts of God, and therefore many, many religions from those concepts. If I had to guess I would almost say that it would be hard to find two people that believed the exact same thing, and that most people have their own little personal twist on the concept of God. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with how one person chooses to relate to the rest of the universe. Along those lines I am going to call my God just the Universe, with my personal goal being oneness with the Universe. One with my God, which is the Universe.
Along those lines we spent quite a bit of time figuring how we all related to the Universe and how that impacted us. I have not spent much time in my life thinking about that concept compared to others that were there and I did spend quite a bit of time thinking about those concepts. What I came up with is that the Universe is the ultimate power and that I wanted to be closer or one with that power. I believe that the Universe is abundant and that if I am willing to work or sacrifice for it that there is unlimited abundance. Law of attractions do apply for me. A new belief for me.... Unlimited Abundance.
One of the things that the Universe told me, and I am going to repeat here, for the universe to see, is that I was given everything I need to succeed. I was the mind of a genius, the looks of a movie star, and the body of a Greek God! Of course I have abused all those things so I look like a middle aged pushover but those were choices I have made and can change as well. Part of my journey toward Oneness is better physical habits as well as mental habits.
I have much more to write about the 10 task and much much more but I am tired and have to nap so I can handle the late shift with the twins. Much more later....
Trader X