Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5/16/07 Could this be.....

I'm not really sure what is going on here but I've been making some money.

I know... it sounds impossible, but I swear it's true!

OK so what's been going on here. I've been trading the same old signals but instead of runners I've only been going for the 1 point PP on both cars. No runners. I have TS setup to automatically put in a 2 point stop that I use as my trailer and adjust to 2 bars back +.75 if lower. Same stuff I've been doing for ever here.... except.... I'm actually following the trading plan. I just do the trades and follow rules and sure enough if generates $. I'm just following the rules! I've become very good at separating my emotions from the trade. I just do it and don't really think about it anymore. Hell, I barely even look at the screen when I have a trade on. I just move the stop closer when I can and just let it ride! Being out of town so much recently has really given me a chance to think about this for many hours of highway driving. When I'm at home I rarely get the chance to just think. When I'm driving with no radio even... I just think. I play it over and over in my head and rehearse and maybe I've become immune? Not sure?

OK this is 5 straight trades in a row of +1,+1. I'm going to track these numbers because I figure it's about a 75% success trade. 75% we get +1, and 25% -2 or less. Worse expectancy is about .25 a trade but odds have been higher lately and the losses aren't usually -2. I will track this like I did last year. I may have to review my post to see what the odds where then.

Other thing. This summer I will keep my +1 rule for the summer chop. If I feel it's a runner day I will add a 3rd runner but still +1 on 2 cars. Trailer for third car is same rules but will get taken out by trailer and not 1 point PP.

Trader X

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