Friday, March 02, 2007

3/2/07 Wow.......

What a week this has been. My personal best was Tuesday 2/27 for $ but not for rules. I was a C that day but was having fun doing it. I've never seen a trin of 15 or higher. It didn't matter where you shorted you made money... and that was why I got a C. I was shorting every signal I've ever seen and not following rules... but there are times when you know you can do it and make $. Tuesday was one of those.

Wed was an A day. Perfect Day. No mistakes. Made 4.5 points too. Not a bad day all around.

Then came Thursday... my undoing. I was way too confident, shooting from the hip and digging my self a hole all day long that I never did get out of even after I calmed down and went back to trading rules again.

Today I'm 1 for 1 so far. Took long at 7:30 signal and it was worth a 1 point PP and .25 on the runner. So far so good. It's Friday and my last day trading before Vacation so it had better be an A day so I don't have to kick myself while I'm gone about what an idiot I've been!

I was doing well then I jumped the gun on the numbers announce at 9:00. System locked up and I couldn't PP and trade went against me due to TS freezing up. Bad trade, no confirmation, then puter locking up!

Next trade off valid signal got me a PP and then stopped on runner at BE.

Trader X

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