Sunday, July 09, 2006


I was doing a little research this weekend and discovered something that I think is worth noting. I was going to back to see whether the partial profits of 1 point (pp's), or waiting for my reversals or stops was more profitable and I saw an interesting thing... it commonly seems like my worse loss of the day is right around 10:00? A fake signal and then backfire... I wonder if this is because the traders are getting out of there trades for lunch (11:00 ET). I would see this just before 10 once but mostly at 10:10 or 10:20 signals? I will have to watch for those.

By the way it turns out that the pp method and the hold for reversal/stop method are about the same. Both make about the same number of points... the difference is consistancy. The pp's are about 70-80% while the other method is about 50%. The reversal/stop (r/t) has a lot of little gains and losses and then a few big gains to put it over the edge. The r/t method may have had a slightly larger outcome over the long run. The other factor was when they worked. The r/t method of exit seems to work best in the first 2 and the last 2 hours of trading, while the pp method did better during the duldrums it seems.

If I switch to one contract (car) then I will trade r/t in am and pm, and pp during lunch if I am around.

Trader X

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