Sunday, July 09, 2006

I find it a great place to vent my thoughts and ideas and occasionally I will go back and re-read my early stuff. It really helps to see just how far I have come. Sometimes I need to think about that when I get discouraged, which can be often. The funny thing about this job of trading is that no 2 people go through it the same. It is a journey that every trader has to make for themselves because we are all different. If there was a boilerplate way to do this then so many traders would make it... of course if that was true then it wouldn't be as profitable as it can be. Rico and I have really helped each other out because we are close to the same place and we think alike. That helps. I have another friend that is completely different in his mentality but he is taking his own journey. We talk a lot but he is in a different trading place than I am. He is still making mistakes that I was making a year ago but who's to say that his journey should be the same as mine? He may find a better path than I do. All I know is that I feel as though I am very close to getting this thing.
4 steps of learning are: 1.Unconscious, incompetence. You don't even know what you don't know
2. Conscious, incompetence. You know what you don't know and can start to learn it.
3. Conscious, competence. You know what you need to know but you still have to force yourself to do it right. This is the stage where I am now.
4. unconscious competence. you know what you need to know to trade and you don't need to think about it anymore. It just come naturally. Your brain is now riding a bike at this point.
This was so good I'm going to put this into my blog!

Trader X

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