Thursday, January 19, 2006
1/18/06 Funny thing happened at lunch...
I don't remember much about the morning session but I know that the market was kicking my butt all over the place. Foos was in early and I was trying to catch up but by the time I finally got in the trade he was taking profits and I was booking losses! It was killing me. Then whatever I was doing the market was doing the opposite. I was getting hungry and pissed and we all know what happens then. Before I could do anymore damage to myself and long before I started revenge trading I had to go to Quizno's for some lunch. On the way back from lunch a couple of stop loss orders I had in the market from earlier but forgot to close out executed... I got back from lunch and the market was up significantly. Of course those orders were sells right? Wrong... by the grace of the markets they were both buys and I was up 4 and 5 points on these suckers. Needless to say I didn't look the gift horse in the mouth... I double checked my numbers to make sure of what had happened just to make sure the cars (contracts) were mine and then I started working out of them as the market continued to rise. Sweet! Turned what was a crappy day in to a great one. The market giveth, the market taketh away.... in this case it was a giveme. I almost always check my balance and open orders but somehow missed this one. I will be more diligent from now one.
Trader X
Trader X