Friday, December 09, 2005

12/9/05 AM

What a tough morning. First trade was a long on the es and I make a couple of points. Then I sold the bonds at 11216 and stopped at 11211. Then I went long again on the es looking for a breakout and I got stung when it tanked. Then I went short and make up the loss. After that I went long again at 64-66 range and sold 67-68 range. I have now made up what I lost yesterday! Bastards thought they could make me have a bad week!!!!! HA! Jokes on them!

Now to being serious. A lot of the guys in Fooser room are using market depth and time and sales to better predict the market. I have for the first time ever pulled these up on TS and let me tell you these things are very cool.

One Market Depth it tells you where the orders are but the funny thing is that they put phantom orders in there to pull the traders in. If you know that then you can tell that the side with more orders is often the week side. What? You think we are too stupid to figure that one out?????

Time and sales is the real deal. The raw numbers. Hubert from has his broken down into small (<10)>10) so he can tell who is buying and selling. I will try to have these up during the day so I can use the really cool tools.

Trader X

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