Thursday, August 25, 2005

8/25/05 Something is wrong

OK, I've about had it with this whole thing. Before I left for vacation I wasn't trading well. Since I've been back I've been trading even worse, regardless of how I try to follow my rules. The more diligent I've been the worse it's gotten. I've been back for 3 weeks and I kid you not I don't think I've had but 1 winning day and it was for $25. The others have been for $150-750 EVERY F*ING DAY!!!!!! I know I am learning something here but I'm not sure what it is? Seriously. All I can figure is that the more experience I get the worse my trading. I was actually making money 9 months ago! Yes, I was. That's why I've decided to go back to my trade sheets that I printed off everyday and take a look at what I was doing then verses now. Something's got to give! Back then I was trading the Tick trade and was doing it much better than now. I would sell on a plus tick and buy on a neg tick. When I would sell I would also add positions if it went higher and then I would sometimes have to buy those back at a loss but sometimes the market would turn and I would reap the profits. Those were the days when I would lost in a trend day because I the tick isn't a trend trade. Now I'm trying to trend trade but the days are mostly sideways. OK, so what I'm having trouble with is IDing the market I'm in and then trading it accordingly. Today was a great example. I was trading MA crossovers and getting killed. I should have done Tick trades all day long and won. I need to work on this this weekend.

Trader X

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