Wednesday, May 24, 2006

5/24/06 AM

Long 5650, stop 5350, 5950, 6150, out, PP +1, +5

Long 6475, stop 6150, 62, PP +1, 6375, out. BE on trade

Long 6450. -2 on each. -4

short 62, stop 64, PP+1, stop 63, 6250, 6125, 59, locking in profits from big bar, 5850, Out
+1pp, +3.5. +4.5 total

PM trades

Long 5000, stop 4700, -3,-3, total -6

Long 5000, PP+1, stop 5150, 5225, 5325. +3.25
Total +4.25

Other unrecorded long from 12:40, +1pp, +1.5. +2.5 total

Rico trade was +3.

There was a loss in there but I for -7 but I wasn't paying attention! I would ignore it but....

There was another trade I missed that was +3.75.

Short from 5750, +1pp, out Be on last 1/2
+1 total

long 5875, PP +1, stop 5625, 5775, 59, 60, 61, 62,
4.25 total

Total points if I added correctly was +8.25 for the day!

Trader X

Monday, May 15, 2006

5/15/06 PM

OK, long at 9625, stop 9425, 9475, 9525, out. -1

Long 9125, stop 88, ... honestly I lost track of this one. I think I reversed on signal and then took that for a +1.25 points but I don't remember

Done for the day regardless. I had some problems trading my plan today.

Turns our the 2 trades I didn't take were worth 8 points. Instead I was off 2.5 today. Not a great day. I am giving myself a C only beccause when I was in the trades I did follow the rules regardless.... but I either hesistated or just didn't take the best 2 trades of the day!

This was the first day of real $ and that is OK. Start again tomorrow and work on getting better. The reason why I didn't take those trades was simply bias. I thought the market was going the other way and I was wrong... I have to learn not to follow my instincts. That is why this plan works... if overrides my instincts! That is a good thing!

Trader X.


live today! We are not going to use the PP's anymore. Turns out that the system trades about the same either way and we can trade just one car if we don't use it. Trading 1 car today only. I'm grading myself on how I trade the mechanics today, not on how much money if any we make.

Long 9475, stop 8950, 9075, 9250, stopped. -2.25

Long 9475 again! Stop 9025, long candle stop to BE +1 tick, 95, 9550, out +.75

Puters lost net so I am flat but should be long. No more trades. Taking lunch break.

-1.5 in AM.

Trader X

Friday, May 12, 2006


Short 6, stop 850, 750, pp +1, stop 6, 550, out. PP+1, +.5
Total +1.5.

long 750, stop 475, PP +1, 625, 650, out! BE on trade

Put call is 1.44 now and this would normally mean take no shorts but... practice again. So

Short 675, stop 950, 9, PP +1, stop 675 BE on last 1/2, 525, 475, 3, out 3
+1pp, +3.75, Total 4.75
Note, once agian I wouldn't have taken this will real money

Long 3, stop 00, PP +1, stop 175, 275 tight to BE on last 1/2, out -.25
pp+1, -.25, Total +.75. Tight was too tight. -3 ticks would have kept us in for bar close before market turned further south

Long 375, stop 150, out

Short 150, short, 450, 3, pp +1, 250, out 250 stop

long 2, stop 00, PP +1, stop 2, 275. stopped 275, +.75
+1pp, +.75, Total 1.75.

+5.25, but rico had a -4 pointer so it's really 1.25 for day.

Trader X

I had to leave early and couldn't trade whole day.

Rico here to take you through the rest of the day.....

long 1298.75, (2:09 est) stop 96.75, pp +1, stopped @ 1300.75 +2
+1pp, +2 runner, Total 3

Short 1300 (2:30) stop 1302, pp +1, stopped @ 1298 +2
+1pp, +2 runner, Total 3

Short 1297.25, (3:30) stop 98.50, pp +1, stopped @ 96.25 +1
+1pp, +1 runner, Total 2

3:52 trade long 95.25, stop 93.25, got smaller by 1 car @ 4.25 -1, timed out @4.25 -1
Total -2

Total on the day +7.25. Made up for the -4 tarde & ended quite respectable on the day!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


If I had been up early enough we would be short
8:15,short 2825, stop 31, PP +1, stop 28, 27, 2650, 2575, 2475, 2425, 2350, 2325, out 2325. +1pp, +5. +6 total.

Short 2050, stop 2350, PP +1, stop 2175, 2050 just to cover, 1950 before bar close, 1925, out.
+1pp, +1.25, +2.25 total

short 1675, stop 1950, 1850, PP +1, stop 18, 1675 BE early, 1650 high of this bar + 1 tick stop, out. +1pp, +.25, +1.25 total trade.
Next! Market drops are lessoning now. I will be more careful on signals. I reality I would stop for day or morning at least.

Short 1525, stop 17, 16, PP +1, stop 1575, hgh current bar +1 tick, 15 BE Plus 1, 1425 back to 2bar +3, 1375. out 1350. +1.75
+1pp, +1.75, Total +2.75.

I ignored several long signals here because the trend is down so why bother?

Short again1225, stop 1475, PP +1, stop 12, reversal and confirm at 1175.
+1pp, +1.5, Total 2.5.

Long at 1175, stop 950, PP +1, 10, 1125, 1175 out. +1pp
+1pp, Total +1.
Short 1125, stop 1350, 1325, -2 on both
total -4.

Long 13, stop 11, 1175, out,
-1.25 on each, total -2.5

Short 1150, stop 1375, PP+1, stop 12, 11, 1025, 975, out 975
+1pp, +1.75, Total 2.75

+12 for day I believe! Not bad. About 2/3 of market points we got.

Trader X

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

5/10/05 AM

g'morning all... In reality we wouldn't be trading this today as it is Fed day but we needed the practice so here we go. Also not on yesterdays congested session. As the day got worse before it got better my tendency was to override the rules and start changing things... sure enough as soon as I did that my results would have gotten worse. I wouldn't have stayed in the last trade that largely put us back to only -.75 on the day. I wanted to get out early instead of letting it ride like we did and making +2. I wanted to take the trade off at BE. Just goes to show you, you have to stick to the plan!!!!

We are looking for a reversal off the low of the open to go long for our first trade. Missed the short but we would have gone short at 2850, pp +1, stop 2750, Out +1pp, +1. +2 for trade

long 28 on reversal, stop 26, 2650, out -3
long 2775, stop 2575, 2625, 2650, stop 27, 2725, out. -1.
short 2750, pp +1, stop 28, 2775, out. +.75
long 2750. PP+1, out 2750. +1
short 2750, PP+1, stop 2750, out 26. +1.5
long 2425, PP +1, stop 2375, 25, 2725, out +1,+3. +4

Wouldn't normally trade this late in day but... practice, practice, practice..
Short 27, stop 3025, 2925, 29, PP+1, 27, 26, out. +1pp, +1 out. +2

+7.25 today

Trader X

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

5/9/06 slow all day

It was a hard day to trade... summer trading is here! Of course Tomorrow is fed day so that has something to do with it.

The blog site was down in the AM so I tracked on paper. I won't list every trade but you will get the idea.

Long at 2825 and stopped 2675 on both. -3
short 2650, stopped 2775. -2.5
long 2775, PP and +.25 for +1.25
short 28, -3
long 2950, PP +1 out 29. +.5
Short 29. +2
Long 28. +2

I think we were -.75 for the whole day.

The early morning chop killed us out of the starting block. We got smarter as the day progressed and started moving our stops a little closer as we should in a slow market. I expect that as the summer progresses we will be doing this much more as we will need to be adaptive to the markets that we are trading.

Trader X

Monday, May 08, 2006

5/8/06 PM

to continue this trade before lunch we exited at a loss on a reversal bar at 28. I wouldn't have taken this trade either but....
Now we are long from 28, stop 2725, PP+1, stop 2825, Above BE for total trade. Figures the second time today that I wouldn't have taken a trade and it is profitable again. You really can't trust your instincts at this game. Not yet anyway. Stop 2850, I was bored and needed to do something so I thought a 1/4 move would help. tightening stop to 2875, 29, 2925, 2950, out. +1pp, +1.5.

Short 2025, stop31, out +.25 as you can see below.

Here are the trades Rico finished tracking for me.

2:16 PM) enrico sepedo: am using top of 2nd prior candle to keep tight stop on shorts as mentioned earlier today
(2:17 PM) enrico sepedo: Stop is 30.75
(2:25 PM) enrico sepedo: tapped on the pp, but not sure if we would have a fill
(2:26 PM) enrico sepedo: stop to 30.50
(2:32 PM) enrico sepedo: got an holp rversal at 29.00; +.25 on both, long from there now
(2:33 PM) enrico sepedo: stop is at 27.75
(2:46 PM) enrico sepedo: stop to 28
(2:50 PM) enrico sepedo: another reverse to short @28.75, getting late (3:50) but will track
(2:51 PM) enrico sepedo: -.75 on both on the last one
(2:51 PM) enrico sepedo: stop is @ 29.50
(2:56 PM) enrico sepedo: 29.25 now
(3:08 PM) enrico sepedo: pp @ 27.75
(3:09 PM) enrico sepedo: stop to 29
(3:13 PM) enrico sepedo: out runner @ 27.50 @ 4:13 (time)
(3:14 PM) enrico sepedo: +1 & +1.25 on the last one

Rico tracked the rest of the day so here are the last trades
-.75, -.75, +1, +1.5, add the +1, +1,5 from first trade on this post, - the -.5 from AM and we were up 3.25 for day. Not bad!

Trader X

5/8/06 AM

We had a nice run up on Friday so today may be a consolidation day or a continuation, or a retrace. It could also stay the same. I think that about covers it!

2925 long, stop 2725, stop 28, PP +1 at 3025, stop 2850, 2925 BE on last 1/2 now, reversal bar with confirm close out and reverse at 30. +1pp, +.75

A side not today. I'm running stops a little tighter than usual because of the consolidation nature of the market today. I may not let wait 2 bars to start trailing and I might not always use +-3 ticks.

Short 30, stop 3125, 3075. out 3025 and reversed on reversal bar and confirm. -.25 on both

long 3025 stop is 29, out and reversed @ 2950. -.75 on both.

I wouldn't have taken this next trade IRL. I am tracking it only to be consistant. Of course it will be the big winner of the day.

short 2950. stop 31, 3050, 2975, PP +1 at 2850, stop 2925 BE on last 1/2, Almost a reversal bar but not confirms. We are in congestion now. Stop still 2925, stop 2850, Reversal bar and confirm exit and reversal at 2825. +1PP and +1.25

Long 2825, stop 2625, 2650, out 2750 on reversal. -.75 on both.

short 2750, stop 2875, out 28 on reversal bar. done for AM -.50 on both

We are -.50 for all of the morning, and make money on the trades I had lowest confidence in.

Trader X

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hope/Lope Summary

We have been paper trading this very simple reversal setup for a week now and it seems to be working very well. We are going to continue to trade this some more with the hopes of working on the mechanics of the trade even more next week. As I recall we didn't have a single losing session last week. We had a lot of trades that were -1 to +1 and then a few that went up to +5. I think our worst loss was -1.5 but I haven't really checked the notes. I have written up a document describing our full proceedure and may post that soon.

Trader X

Friday, May 05, 2006

5/5/06 Cinco de Mayo PM

lohp sell at 2750 on reversal?, stop 29, 2850, 2775, PP+1, stop 2725, 2675, stopped 2675, +1pp, +.5. Total Trade +1.5

I think that is going to be the last trade of the day for us. Market at new 6 year highs so next week should be interesting!

Trader X

Rico talked me into one more trade.
Long 3000, stop 2825, out at 3000. BE on Trade

I will do a summary later

5/5/06 Cinco de Mayo!

first call low confidence call. Sell 2375. Market strong this AM because of employment numbers being better than expected. Hit new highs but now retracing. If this sucker goes up I'm reversing fast. Stp 2575, +1 PP@ 2275, Stop 2525. Stopped. +1pp, -1.5. -.5 on trade.

bot 2450, stop 2250,23, +1pp, 2375, 2450, 26, Looks like a winner no matter what now. Out 2750 on reversal. +1pp, +3

I'm going to let Rico take over from here.

Trader X.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

5/4/06 summary

Today was good for 13.25 points. Today was our best day so far. Very nice indeed. Will only trade 1/2 day tomorrow and then call it quits for the week.

Trader X.

PS. Bond trade was good today as well.

5/4/06 Lunch

I didn't trade it but there was a sell entry at 1750, stp 19, PP +1, stp 18, 1650, 1625, 1550, stopped. +1, +2.

Long 1550 on reversal. stp 1325, 1425, 1450, 1475, pp 1650 +1, stp 15, 1525, 1550, 1575, 1650, BE on whole trade now, stp 17, stopped out. +1 pp, +1.5 on stop

Short 17, stop 1850, 18, pp @16 +1, 1775 stop, stopped. +1, -.75

Trader X

5/4/06 am

long 1313 @ 8:05. stp 1125, 12, 1225, PP+1, stp 13, 1475, 15,1525,16, 1750, 1775,
We have lohp reversal here. Out 1825 +5.25, +1pp.

Continue: Keeping stp at 1775 just to test method. Out 1775. For the record I think that everytime if you had held after a reversal signal it would have cost you money... not a lot but usually about 3ticks to a point.

On reversal signal we are short from 1825, stop 20, PP +1, stp 1925 (BE on trade), stp 1875, 18, out 18. PP +1, +.25.

If I had kept +3 stop at 1875 will track now. stp 1850, stopped. Once again, closing that stop faster has been more profitable.

Trader X

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

2nd day update

OK, paper trading this for 2 days now and here are the results.

5/2 am. +3.5
5/2 pm. +1.75
5/3 am +1.25
5/3 pm +.75

This is for 2 cars with a pp at +1 on each trade if possible
7.25 points in 2 days of choppy markets. $362.50 which includes slippage but no commission.

Trader X

5/3/06 PM

Bond trade was BE today

sold 950 with stop 1075. stp 1050, out on reversal holp 1050. -1.

Long 1050, stp850, 9, 925, pp+1, stp 10, 1050, 1075, 1175, out 1225 on lohp reversal. +1, +1.75.

For the PM Session we are up +.75

Trader X

5/3/06 AM

looking for holp for gap close now. Market drifting lower with no entry yet. 9:50
There was a break at price 16, with a 1525 close with a sell price of 1525. 1375 would have been stopped. PP+1, stopped +1.5

Next signal long at 1350 (these are without retrace entries, just tracking them fwiw). stopped 1250. -1.

on retrace method long 1325. stop 1125. Stop 1250. Stopped 1250. -.75

Market is in down trend so we are waiting for next lohp for entry

sold 1150 and pp +1. trailing stop to 1175. -.25 Trade +75

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

5/2/06 PM

The bond trade worked to day for the record.

market been drifting up all day. If we have kept our long on from last trade by keeping stop and not exiting from reversal signal we would still be long with stop at 16 now. The only issue is that we never would have had an entry because of the last trade would have stopped after the signal

selling 1725 at 1:20. stop 1925. this is a low confidence trade. internals say up. stp 1875. pp 1625. +1 on 1/2 stp 1825. BE on trade. stp 18. stop 1725. BE on last 1/2. stp 1650. stopped 1650. +1 and +.75.

Trade if we had stayed with 3 tick stop at 1725. then 1675. We would have been stopped either way with no additional gain.

Trader X

5/2/06 holp/lohp trades journal

at open 14 short for gap close but didn't take pp and was stopped at 15. Should have taken pp and then moved stop for BE on trade. lesson learned.

9:35 lohp short at 1475. stop 17. PP 1/2 at 1375. stop 1575. stp 1525. Taking trade off at 14 for one method because of holp reversal. +1 then +.75 on balace bcause we had a holp exit trigger.

Other method stp still 1525 and trailing with out exit on 2nd half because of holp trigger.stopped 1525. +1 on 1/2, -.5 on other 1/2.

first method has triggered long at 1350. stp 1150. pp 1450 +1 on 1/2, stp 1250, stp13.stp1375.stp14. out 1425 on lohp reversal. +.75. Total +1, +.75

More to come in PM. We don't trade the duldrums .

Trader X

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